Orthodontics Northmead

Because your teeth are attached to the jawbones, and the jawbones are attached to the rest of your skull, we firmly believe that you cannot move teeth without affecting the rest of your skull and body.
Other structures we must be aware of are your child’s airways, Temporomandibular Joints (TMJ) and muscles. If these structures are not considered, orthodontics can compromise breathing, sleeping, jaw function and pain.
Signs that you may benefit from an orthodontic consultation include:
- Crooked teeth
- Mouth breathing
- Bruxing/teeth grinding
- Temporomandibular joint pain/clicking
- Dry mouth
- Dark circles/patches under the eyes
- Constant tiredness
- Enlarged tonsils
- Snoring
- Chronic bed wetting
Orthodontics in Northmead
We aim to maximise jaw development and airways to ensure the most aesthetic result possible, as well as improving breathing, sleeping and everyday functioning.
Give us a call today to book your orthodontic consultation.
Orthodontics in Northmead
Call your Northmead dentist on (02) 9630 9996 or book your appointment online.
We are located at 19/5-7 Kleins Rd in Northmead.