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Mouth Sores Prevention and Treatment Needed Oral health doesn’t only involve your teeth. Sores can develop in and out the mouth. These are called mouth sores, seen as the spots or swellings that also affect your lips and tongue. It’s good to know that they typically heal on their own after a week or two. On the other hand, not all kinds of mouth sores are harmless. Thus, you must consult a health expert when the condition endures longer than two weeks.

There are different types of mouth sores, but the most common of these are canker sores and fever blisters (or cold sores in another term). By getting enough information about these two kinds of mouth sores, you can help yourself prevent or treat the condition, avoiding complications that may occur in the future.

How To Prevent and Treat Canker Mouth Sores?

Canker sores can be usually caused by stress, trauma and irritation from acidic foods and is non-virus based. This type of mouth usually lasts for around 12 days, but chronic sufferers are already required to take laser treatment that takes around 15 minutes. The sore looks small and can be red or white in colour. Canker sores occur on soft palate, tongue or inside the lips and cheeks.


  • Choose to eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Don’t eat any foods to which you are allergic.
  • Protect your teeth when you have dentures or braces through requesting your doctor to cover the sharp edges.
  • Practice excellent oral hygiene habits.
  • If the canker sore is linked with stress, learn some methods to reduce stress and anxiety.


Cankers sores are treated by means of relieving discomfort as well as protecting against infection. A topical corticosteroid medication is helpful. Some canker sores might need mouthwashes recommended by your dental expert. Nutritional supplements involving zinc, folate, vitamin B-6 or vitamin B-12 may also be prescribed.

How To Prevent and Treat Fever Blister Mouth Sores?

Fever blisters or cold sores occur on the lips, gums and hard palate (roof of the mouth). They are usually painful and can last for seven to ten days. Fever blisters are contagious due to a herpes simplex virus that turns out to be active. This virus can be pass through direct contact and spreads to the eyes and genitalia of the afflicted person.

Preventing Fever Blisters to Spread

  • When a lesion is present, you must avoid mucous membrane contact.
  • Don’t attempt to touch the blisters through pinching and picking.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching some sensitive parts of your body or another person. This involves rubbing eyes and genital area.


Fever blisters can be treated through coating the lesions with the help of a protective barrier topical medication that contains an antiviral ingredient. For now, fever blister has no known cure, but scientists are starting to create one to make it a curable mouth problem in the future.

Effective Mouth Sores Solutions in Northmead

When it comes to various dental health problems, trust your Northmead dentist with that matter. We are always committed to bringing out the best in you in terms of your overall oral health wellness. Through our outstanding oral care procedures, we can provide relief and helpful treatment for your mouth sore issues. With the help of our cutting edge dental facility and equipment, there’s no doubt we can deliver exceptional results at the end of the day.

Call us today to know more about our PAY NO GAP Offer, which includes: Check-up, Scale & Clean, Fluoride, and X-rays. If you are with a Private Health Fund, we can provide you with NO GAP preventive treatments! Book online or call (02) 9630 9996.

(We are located in Northmead and serve patients from Northmead, Westmead, North Parramatta, Wentworthville, Winston Hills, Old Toongabbie and from all Sydney metro areas.)