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cracked tooth symptoms northmead

When it comes to a dental emergency like a chipped tooth, the best way to restore and save the tooth is to visit your emergency dentist as soon as possible. They can assess the condition of the tooth to identify the most suitable treatment.

If you want to know how to fix a chipped tooth, carry on reading to better understand the variety of treatment options available at My Local Dentists Northmead.

So, how to fix a chipped tooth?

When it comes to a chipped tooth, our emergency dentist will first identify the symptoms and the remaining tooth left. Usually, minor chips that do not present any pain can wait until the next day. But they can worsen if treatment is not done soon. Meanwhile, a broken and painful tooth will need urgent emergency dental intervention. 

Generally, no matter how small or big the tooth fracture is, it is advised that you visit your emergency dentist sooner rather than later. This will make all the difference when it comes to saving the tooth.

Chipped tooth treatment options explained

When you arrive at the clinic, the first thing our dentist will do is to relieve you of pain if present. Then, they will determine the proper diagnosis of your case using X-rays. Depending on the severity of the case, here’s how to fix a chipped tooth:

  • Tooth bonding

For a minor chip on the front tooth, bonding will be done. This not only restores the natural appearance of your tooth, enabling you to smile better, but it will also allow it to remain functional. This is a quick repair using tooth-coloured composite resin.

  • Dental fillings

Aside from the natural tooth, any previous composite treatment can also fracture with age or under direct, heavy forces. Broken fillings can still be remedied by placing a new filling so you can use it for chewing and eating as you usually would.

  • Dental veneers

Dental veneers are the way to go if you want a more natural-looking restoration. We offer porcelain veneers that cosmetically match your other teeth, so your smile appears more seamless and lifelike.

  • Root canal treatment

A dental emergency with a painful and large cracked tooth typically indicates that the tooth pulp is involved. To prevent infection and save a tooth, we will clean out any infection and medicate the pulp allowing it to heal before placing a crown over it. At My Local Dentists Northmead, we use the latest root canal techniques that deliver impressive success rates.

  • Dental crowns

tooth chip dental emergency northmeadThis is the best option if there is significant damage to the tooth. A dental crown can be an adjunct to root canal therapy, or it can be done independently, especially for the back tooth that needs extra strength and support. A crown cap can help restore the structural integrity and health of the tooth.

  • Tooth extraction

If you arrive at the emergency dental clinic with an extensively damaged tooth with an insufficient amount of tooth structure left to work with and restore, the last resort is to remove the tooth. Sometimes, this will be better than saving it to prevent widespread infection.

Once the tooth is extracted, our dentist will introduce you to teeth replacement options such as implants or bridges. These are long-term solutions to help rebuild your smile. 

Your Trusted Emergency Dentist

In the presence of any dental emergency, our team at My Local Dentists Northmead is trained to provide you with urgent and priority care. So whether it’s how to fix a chipped tooth or other dental concerns, you can rely on us for safe, efficient, and effective treatments.

To know more, call us at (02) 9630 9996 or book an appointment online.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Healthline – Cracked Tooth: Symptoms

PubMed – The effect of environmental aging on the fracture toughness of dental composites

Cleveland Clinic – Root Canal

PubMed – Success rates of prosthetic restorations on endodontically treated teeth; a systematic review after 6 years