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Presenting Tongue Cleaning to Child’s Oral Health

Presenting Tongue Cleaning to Child’s Oral HealthAs children grow up, it is important that you start teaching them the basics and importance of tongue cleaning. Brushing and flossing the teeth is good, but combining these two with tongue cleaning is even superior for an impeccable oral hygiene.

Why Do I Need to Clean My Tongue?

This is the first question that your kids might ask you when you tell them to clean their tongue. They could be used to tooth brushing but not scraping of tongue. The white film found on the surface of the tongue must be scraped away for it can cause unwanted conditions in the body. Here are the main reasons you can tell them on why tongue cleaning is also a must for their vulnerable oral health:

  • Get rids of bad breath
  • Improves taste buds for better food tasting
  • Prevents body from reabsorbing toxins
  • Good for their delicate teeth and gums
  • Upholds overall oral wellbeing

Lack of Vitamin C Causes Poor Gum Health

Lack of Vitamin C Causes Poor Gum HealthVitamin C plays a big role not only in your immune system but also in the health of your gums. Poor nutrition is one of the many causes of gum tissue problems. One of these is bleeding gums due to inadequate supply of vitamin C to your body, which will later progress into gingivitis if left untreated.

Everything from tooth sensitivity and receding gum disease can be often credited to a vitamin C insufficiency. Gums turn over roughly 20% of their collagen every day. Collagen is responsible in supporting the gums by means of promoting both strength and circulation.

Vitamin C helps the body repair on teeth, bones, and cartilage. Additionally, this essential vitamin also assists the body in healing wounds.

Promotes Gum Health

Gum or periodontal disease is one symptom of scurvy, a disorder of vitamin C deficiency. Based on a study, a person who has lesser vitamin C consumption in their diet is more at risk of developing gum diseases.