When you are on orthodontic treatment, eating certain types of food can damage your...
Dr Thomas Choi (dentist)
Father’s Day Dental Tips from My Local Dentists Northmead
Did you know that men are less likely to visit the dentist than women? And because oral...
My Local Dentists Northmead Tips: How much sugar is hiding in your trolley?
Time to take a look at your grocery purchases. On Dental Health Week (3 – 9 August...
Sparkling Water and Your Smile
In the past few years, the percentage of Australians drinking drinks such as colas and...
Cold Sores and your Appointment at My Local Dentists Northmead
Cold sores are an extremely common condition that affects our lips and mouth. In fact,...
Top 5 Reasons to Quit Smoking Now from My Local Dentists Northmead
With the theme “Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from...
National Cabinet approves the move to Level 1 restrictions
Good news! On 8 May 2020, National Cabinet approved a move to Level 1 restrictions for...
Stop the Spread of COVID-19: A Simple Guide from My Local Dentists Northmead
Testing for coronavirus is now widely available across Australia. If you are...
COVID-19 Update: Announcing Eased Dental Restrictions from 27 April 2020
Following a Federal Cabinet meeting on 21 April 2020, the Australian Dental Association...