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baby teeth

Tooth Anatomy: Discover the Parts of your Teeth

Tooth Anatomy- Discover the Parts of your TeethNothing is more beautiful and comfortable than having a healthy set of teeth. You can smile contentedly, eat the food you want, and speak properly without any issues around your mouth. That’s because your teeth play an important role in your life and can impact your overall health.

Teeth help you to bite and chew food so it can be swallowed and digested properly. It also forms the words you speak so you can talk properly. Most of all, the presence of your pearly whites provide a form to your face and mouth.

Teeth are in fact more important than what you think. Knowing what they are made of let you understand the significance of their role and function in your overall oral health.

Best Reminders for Brushing Baby Teeth

Best Reminders for Brushing Baby TeethCleaning your baby’s first set of teeth is a good start to promote healthy teeth and gums.

This set of teeth may be small yet they have a huge role when your child grows up. Without the complete set of teeth, your child may experience difficulties in speaking clearly and chewing foods.

Even they are not yet teething, the gums also must receive the proper treatment and care it deserve as it is the foundation for upcoming baby teeth.

The Right Time to Brush Baby Teeth

If your baby doesn’t have teeth yet, clean their gums using a soft moistened washcloth. Do this after their feeding time and before you lay them to bed at night.